The philosophy of STIRMOT strongly emphasizes the importance of placing the customer at the center of everything we do.


The closeness with our customers, allow us to be fully informed of agricultural trends and the conditions in which they work.


Since the birth of STIRMOT, we have worked and found the best solutions collaborating very actively with our customers, in this way, we can efficiently understand and satisfy the needs of the final customer.


The design and development of our products is completely our own, thus achieving a complete and personalized service, to satisfy the needs of the professional farmer.


Our products are built with the most resistant materials present in the market, with the aim of guaranteeing unsurpassed quality and reliability.


Each of the stages of development and production are subject to continuous review by our quality control team, this ensures that the STIRMOT windrow equipment is always manufactured in accordance with the most exacting standards of precision.


The quality control is very important, with it, it avoids that they leave to the market machines with defects and therefore reduce the possibilities of which a customer remains unsatisfied.

Avda. Guardia Civil, 28

47.800 Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid)


+34 696 400 599 / +34 983 72 05 54